BILL TSAPALAS LOGO white sub.png


Core Creative Idea, Social Campaign


Tagrisso is a stage 4 lung cancer, once-daily pill that recently got indicated to extend life by roughly 40%, which is huge at this stage of a patient’s condition. The challenge was that legally, we were only allowed to say that a patient could live ‘significantly’ longer, unless we added pages and pages of disclaimers. The second challenge was they they were rushing to get this new claim into the market, meaning quick production.

We knew that we had to present this information in a simple, hopeful, positive and yet, dignified, fashion. We created this platform that replaced the oblique word ‘significantly’ with an adverb that described how patients want to live in stage 4. And to get to the market quickly, we used only stills and gifs.


agency:  BBDO/NY


lung cancer awareness month

Social Campaign


Tagrisso is a stage 4 lung cancer, once-daily pill that recently got indicated to extend life by roughly 40%, which is huge at this stage of a patient’s condition. The challenge was that legally, we were only allowed to say that a patient could live ‘significantly’ longer, unless we added pages and pages of disclaimers. The second challenge was they they were rushing to get this new claim into the market, meaning quick production.

We knew that we had to present this information in a simple, hopeful, positive and yet, dignified, fashion. We created this platform that replaced the oblique word ‘significantly’ with an adverb that described how patients want to live in stage 4. And to get to the marke

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